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Whitepaper for impact testing of high performance sandwich radomes

Download the whitepaper now to learn about the intricacies of hail testing, the impact behaviour of CIMERA® radomes and how we test our radomes.

Authors: Franz Puregger, Wolfgang Stiegmaier, Christian Fellner, Leonie Wenk / December 2022

Get a preview of the essential contents here:

  • Sandwich radomes
  • Hail impact
  • Impact testing
  • Evaluation of impacted radomes
  • Influence of dents to funcionality

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Engineering and production of novel sandwich radomes for 5G applications

Download the whitepaper now to learn about the engineering and production of our CIMERA® sandwich radomes for 5G mmWave applications:

Authors: Wolfgang Stiegmaier, Franz Puregger, Patrick Hergan, Steffen Stelzer / October 2020

Get a preview of the essential contents here:

  • Types of sandwich radomes
  • Electromagnetic wave propagation
  • Material selection
  • Engineering and production of CIMERA®

4a manufacturing Wolfgang Stiegmaier

Wolfgang Stiegmaier

Head of Sales Lightweight & HF

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Whitepaper for impact testing of high performance sandwich radomes

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Engineering and production of novel sandwich radomes for 5G applications

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